A neat, compact desk for the workplace
or home office. Get to know Neet!
Stylish desk in your design
Neet is a space-saving, height-adjustable desk with a stand in black, grey and white. The desk boasts a choice of several different tops in e.g. ash, beech and birch in FSC® certified* wood, as well as in linoleum and laminate. The stylish design looks good in any surroundings, and the desk is both quicker to assemble and takes up less space than ‘classic’ desks. Neet has a height adjustment stroke of 470 mm, and discrete leg dimensions. Its neat, compact design makes the desk ideal for the home office, yet it’s also robust enough for everyday office use.

Durable and renewable
The ability to replace every part of the desk not only means you get to design it the way you want, you can also upgrade it over time instead of buying a new desk. A small desk weighs less and uses less material, which means a lower carbon footprint. Neet is also Möbelfakta labelled. The desk is made from material up to 59 per cent of which is recycled (desks with straight edges) and from 46 percent renewable material. All in all this makes Neet a sustainable choice, for your economy and the environment alike!